I am married with five crazy kids and totally believe in God. I'm a writer, an inventor, a radio personality...and I am crazy!
I used to dislike Mini-Vans, but love carrying all my kids in one car. One time they got so crazy, I pulled over and made them clean a Burger King.
I tried to vacuum in high heels once, but fell on my but on the floor. I thought it would be sexy to look like a 50's wife. I even had red lipstick on. My kids thought I was nuts and we all laughed.
I will do anything for a joke. Even make myself look like an idiot.
I am sarcastic and I giggle at my own jokes. Reading over old blog posts makes me laugh hysterically even though I don't think I am that funny.
I totally love being Mormon. Most Mormons would be surprised to know that I always want to drink. Like crazy strong alcohol! Seriously, did you read the part about five kids?? I don't because I know it's not good for me...and because I would be a raging alcoholic. But I am still tempted all the time. I am so glad I have my faith!
I hope you enjoy our blog! Now if you will excuse me, I have to go change a diaper and clean my 12-gauge.
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