It's actually against the law to NOT feed your kids.
Right? Just to be clear...it IS against the law...Right?
Now for the first five minutes of our kid free marriage to yours truly, this is when I would look at Mr. Molly Mormon and say, "lets get pizza!"
Then we would order a huge Supreme Pizza and eat it for days.
And by days, I mean dinner that night, then polish it off for breakfast the next day.
We would order big fluffy pizzas with cheese and sauce and...Oh it would be so good!
Then you have kids and suddenly paying $20 a pizza is outrageous!
Now were lucky if we can swing for three $5 hot and ready's.
By $5 hot and ready, what I really mean is get-what-you-pay-for-and-don't-complain-about-the-cheese-holes kind of pizza.
I haven't had A Supreme Pizza in like 15 years.
My point is that I have finally found the solution to my Pizza supply and demand problem. Here it is...Make Your Own!
Making your own is quite fun and the kids love to get involved. I have never been able to throw the dough in the air like like those talented cute pizza men, but I would sure love to learn!
Okay, correction! I can throw it in the air...I just doubt I could actually catch it when it comes back down.
Which brings me to this Super Easy Pizza Dough that I worked out. I hope you like it and please feel free to let me know your thoughts or revisions.
In Mixing Bowl...
1 Cup Warm Water
2 tsp Yeast
1 tsp Sugar
1 tsp Salt
In Small Separate Bowl...
2 T Olive Oil
1 tsp Basil
1 tsp Oregano
1/4 tsp Onion Powder
Mix olive oil mixture together and add to mixing bowl ingredients.
Add Flour until dough pulls away from sided of the mixing bowl. This would be about 2 1/2 Cups.
Once your happy with the flour amount, let knead for about 10 minutes.
Note: Because this has yeast in it, many people think you have to let it raise. I have rolled it out before right after kneading and also let it raise on other uses. It works either way.
Also makes awesome bread sticks! This would be a good time to let the yeast work it's magic.
Finishing Glaze-I've also mixed 1/4 -1/2 tsp of garlic powder to warm butter and brushed it on the pizza crust and or bread sticks.
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