I hated doing dishes and referred un-affectionately to the stinky slimy machine as 'Big Bertha'. I remember telling my father when I was 14 that if he made me do dishes for the third year in a row I was going to quit.
So he fired me.
True story.
After a come to Jesus meeting with my Pappy and a home made dish of humility (as well as another six months behind Bertha) he decided I could start prep cooking two days a week still babysitting Big Bertha the other three while attending school. Our restaurant was in a high tourist location inside Springdale Utah which is also the gateway to Zion National Park. Dad stated that 'People don't come to a nice vacation to be waited on by a kid'. Looking back he was right.However, at the time I thought he was crazy!
It seems he has improved as I have aged.
So I traded in the grease sponge for a spatula. Seriously. I was rolling in awesomeness.
My point is from age 14 to about 28 I cooked, I baked, I waited tables, and I often shut myself in the walk-in screaming my lungs out in restaurant sheer horror and frustration.
True Story.
I learned how to screw up royally. Then when I happened to get it right my dad would often state something like, "Almost as good as mine", or "Well, you didn't screw it up! What's the matter with you?!"
Pappy hates it when I talk like this because it makes him feel like he's a big grumpy you-know-what. But I am glad he was that way. He loved me then and loves me still and he shows it. Just not in the kitchen. ;)
I can't believe I just put a ;) in a blog post. Seriously so immature and amiture.
I don't think I know how to spell amiture.
Again, I digress. My point is I began to some-what learn how to cook, how to bake and how to put flavor in food. So when I take on a recipe it's important to know that I am critiquing the food like a dentist would critique someones smile, a mechanic would drive a car and instantly know whats wrong with it, or a cosmetologist that can spot a bad haircut a mile away.
While I know I have some know-how it the kitchen I also have so much more to learn and I honestly don't feel like I will ever be ready for Chopped. Despite how often I yell at the contestants.
Also of value is to know that Mr. Molly Mormon started working at my dad's restaurant when we became engaged. I actually was quite surprised when he became so good in the kitchen in a fraction of the time I spent flipping burgers! It has taken me years to understand that!
Again, refer the earlier conceited/humility challenged comments in this post.
How was it possible that he could be so good with food in such a fraction of the time? It took me a few years and another slice of humility to understand. He had a gift. A gift that outweighs mine by far! I've had to work my Molly Mormon trash off! Don't get me wrong, he did too but he seemed to just know things that I had to have beat into me.
To this day we are quite competitive inside the kitchen and it's the only times we really truly argue. We have had to really evaluate our roles and utilize where one is stronger and weaker and play off those strengths/weaknesses. I can often get dinner to a certain point of goodness and know that something is missing. I will be cooking and stirring and adding, but it comes to a point I have to call in Mr Molly Mormon and say, "Something is missing and I can't figure it out." He will then come in, tastes it, adds his magic seasonings or something from the fridge, and Voila! He gives my good recipe the zing it needed!
He is my Zing! <3
Okay first a ;) now a <3?? Again, amateur!
I started a 'Rock the Pot Luck' tab on my blog and have started collecting some of my favorite recipes. I do hope they are enjoyed by others and if you seem to find one you like/dislike, please feel free to let me know!
I have a lot of recipes that still need to be added so if there is something that doesn't peek your palate then please check back!
Peek your Palate! I think I'm going to copyright that!
Peek your Palate(c)
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