Firstly...I've started running again. This was a total wake up call to exactly how out of shape I am. I did 3.1 miles the first night and I absolutely refuse to broadcast how long it took me to accomplish those 3.1. Let's just say it was a less than stellar performance. I've always had a love/hate relationship with running. I've only started doing it again because my sister (the awesome mom) somehow convinced me to do a 5k with her in a few months. And by "somehow", I mean she promised me alcohol at the finish line. I'm easily swayed.
The second habit I've brought back into rotation is donut eating. Which I have to say has been really really working out well for me. I have been craving donuts all week. A maple bar to be precise. I may have mentioned this to Ranger Guy once or twelve times. Last night I was at the market and he text me..."please bring home donuts. I blame you." or something to that effect. So I did. I brought home two dozen. Settle down, I had to share them with my entourage. Last night, I ate one. This morning I had two. Lunch I ate real food. Then dinner rolled around and I had this internal conversation.
Personality One... Waffle?
Personality Two...Donuts?
Personality One...You cannot eat donuts for dinner. Donuts are a sweet that may occasionally be substituted as a breakfast food but dinner? I don't think so.
Personality Two...Donut donut donut donut DOOOONNNNUUUUTTTT
Personality One...You're lucky Ranger Guy likes women with big asses
Personality Two...DONUT!!!!!!
And so I may or may not have eaten two donuts for dinner. And I wonder why I can't lose the weight I've gained this year.
Now I know some of you are thinking to yourselves...running and then eating donuts is so counterproductive. Don't you worry, I read my tarot cards this morning and the tarot reminded me to maintain balance in all things. Seriously...running and then eating a donut...what could be more balanced?