Wait, just married with no kids. No. For sure I wasn't thinking that then.
Yeah. Single for sure. Like on a Tuesday night with early college/work the next day. I know I must have been all about myself in some way. I could have been worked up on something really lame. Like a weird roommate, a hair problem, or oh my gosh! That guy!
I was last minute grocery shopping at
Pregnancy fatigue. Ha! That would be funny!
All I was thinking was just get through dinner, cleanup and bedtime. Then like you would encourage your little child to take on their greatest challenge I gave myself the extra You can do it!
At 8:42pm when I think I am finally in the clear I hear a little boy inside his bedroom. "Mom!" he shouts. "I need to poop!"
"Dude! Just suck it up until in the morning!" Of course this doesn't work and followed by it is an array of his sisters with the same shouts.
"I am thirsty!"
"She is touching me!"
"I want the light on!"
and the worst of it...
"I'm seriously gonna punch my sister in the face!"
I think I reached a point of
Mr Molly Mormon seeing the desperation of threats and violence on my face saves me. I love that man.
He hates it when I call him Mr Molly Mormon. He will forgive me when he reads the next sentence.
That man is really awesome!
My sweet mother-in-law calls cancelling her evening haircut and suddenly I have a feeling like what should I do for the rest of the evening?
I look at my husband with wide eyes and high hopes! I excitedly suggest we get the kids
But company is coming tomorrow so I guess I will go scrub the doggy bad spot off the carpet in the guest room.
I realize now that this post may,may seem a little negative. Forgive me? But if your a mom like me I am sure you have had days like this. For that I think we should definitely be giving and interweb high-five.
It will all certainly be worth it I am sure. I look forward to the day when my child is grown and looks back on me as a mom and is like, "Thanks Mom. You could have ditched me into a dumpster. I am glad to see you exercised your free agency the way you did."
Yes. Then it will all be worth it. :)
Oh Yeah! Tipsy! Totally off the point, but what they heck happened to our book club?!
Another off/on the point. I didn't like that book and am finding Laura Lippman books slow to follow. I don't think she is making my favorite author list. (If Laura is reading this, I am sorry! I'm sure your a great person)
Sheesh. I'm such a bully!
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