Or maybe I love the thought of being perfect...
Or maybe it's the thought of being more perfect than my neighbor. Knowing of course that no one is really perfect.
I mean sure! Who wouldn't want, like, perfectly everything! Ever!
I think that last sentence lowered my IQ. Like, really!
Is there too much perfection in Social Media? Obviously we all want to look our best, preform our best, and surely have our best lives projected to our peers, right?
I have summed up a few areas we (present company not excluded) have seemed to be obsessed with perfection on social media.
Our Appearance. Selfies. Never ending selfies. Why is it no one ever breaks out their fat pants for a selfie? No. It's always in their best dress, I mean, really. If people are going to stare, we should make it worth their while, right?
I say..."right?" a lot, don't I? I'll work on it.
I'm not a selfie girl despite my picture. I had to cave for blogging purposes only, come on!
I will admit that I like to see my family, friends, and loved ones post a selfie once in a while. But the never ending ones seem to create more eye rolling than admiring.
I often wonder how many pictures one took to get the perfect selfie look. For the above picture, I did eight pictures in all.
Are there secrets and tips to the best selfie? I couldn't get the lighting right!
Does one do it in groups or just by themselves? By myself. Definitely by myself with NO ONE around!
I think it may become a competitive sport. Nope. not for me!
Selfie sticks are a thing now? One may wonder why we need tools to perform such a task! Is our selfie stick long enough to create how ridiculous we may look using a selfie stick? Huh....
That last paragraph reminded me of 'Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handy..."
Only a few people will understand that last reference. To those that did, I salute you!
Relationships. Come on! We know internally no ones relationship is perfect,
Can we all just change our relationship status to 'Sweatpants and Oreo's'? Now that's real.
Coolness. Last thing I can think of. Since the dawn of time it's just cool to be cool! Social media is dorky for sure! But the fact that we even try to be so cool on something so dorky just seems even more dorky! I will be the first to admit my personal social media page is obnoxious! Dorky! Really, really obnoxious! As much as I try to be cool, speaking for my page...it's all a load of crap!
There are tons of imperfect things no one will really know about us because we would never put that on social media! I took the liberty to come up with a few...
Like when a woman sneezes and a little bit of pee comes out.
Deep and unabashed nose picking while driving? I've seen people do it!!
There is totally that Netflix marathon that you will never admit too.
Snooping in other peoples bathroom medicine cabinets? Yeah! You know who you are!
Peeing in the shower?!
--Ok, I have to step in here. Gross!! There is a toilet right next to the shower!!
Stripping down to your underwear almost immediately upon getting home. Door closes. Bam! Naked!
--No! No! No! Not me! I have to step in here and object! I have six kids and a lot of windows! However...so do some neighbors.
Remembering something funny from like two years ago and then laughing hysterically. Then, when you’re trying to make yourself stop laughing, you just end up laughing more.
--Yep. Guilty!
Maybe it's time we throw a little reality back into social media. Otherwise, we're going to have to start changing that witty tagline to something more fitting.
Oh and of course! The ever popular DISCLAIMER: "This is a parody account, and is in no way associated with the real person it depicts."
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