Let just say... You've been warned...
A report from the PWMSU (People who make shit up) Committee has shown that 50% of the general population will be offended in one way or another by posts published on the blog Molly Mormon & The Tipsy Gypsy. The number of people offended is shown to increase significantly while reading posts written by Gypsy.
Seriously, as blog authors with two vastly different belief systems we realize that the audience tuning in for this blog is bound to be upset by one or the other of us on occasion (or perhaps more frequently). We get it. We hope you get it.
Molly Mormon and Tipsy Gypsy are friends...IN REAL LIFE. Like we do lunch and stuff. We lurve each other in a sisterly fashion. We laugh at each other's jokes. We binge on carbs. We see things differently and we really don't care.
That said...we apologize in advance should either of us say something that pisses you off. Feel free to email us. Feel free to engage in friendly discussion. There is no law that says we all have to agree...but we definitely all need to express ourselves in such a manner that it doesn't hurt anyone else's feelings. Bitchery will not be tolerated. If we deem your comments offensive, we reserve the right to delete them.
Love, The Tipsy Gypsy
OMGosh! Yep. I guess you covered it! Yeah.
Love, The Molly Mormon