Unlike the Ice Bucket Challenge. For which I did not do and I did not donate money. Don't judge me but my house is already a non-profit organization.
Anyway, I really like this one and even my closest of friends' lists intrigue/frighten me. I enjoy reading them.
1.My BFF and I toured Japan for two weeks when we were 14. It was with a student exchange program. I even scored me a cute international oriental boyfriend in the lobby our hotel for like 15 minutes! He thought I was the cutest little round eye girl he had ever seen! But we couldn't get over the language barrier.
Ah... the pains of young love...
2. I speak a weird language called OP. Which is ironic after reading #1. I talk it mostly with my Mom when my kids are around. It makes them SO mad and I revel in their frustration in not knowing what I am saying. When I am talking about them I am sure to say their name in plan English just to bug them.
3. I have a dream of becoming a Newberry Prize winning author. But I can't even spell the word sentance without using spell check. Sentance. Sentenance, Sentence!! There. I did it! I've started many different books which sit old and neglected in my documents file. They include titles like, "Show Me The Skinny-Memoirs of A Chubby Girl", "Big Mama & Her Overactive Uterus", and lastly, "Mommy Wars". I understand now how none of these titles would result in a Newberry Prize plus I had to spell check the word Memoirs. Twice. It's a very slow work in progress.
4. I am a really good shot with guns. Like freakishly-girl-good! I don't really know why other than it must be in my genes. My grandmother on my Dad's side was like this too. So is my daughter Rheesah. She can hit the bulls eye with her .22 in like one-two shots. It surprises people even though I don't know a whole lot about guns. Except the ones I own which happen to be the spoken .22, a 12-gauge, a 9M, and a 243 hunting rifle.
5. As a child I became afraid of anyone that drove a large van. It happened after I watched the movie Savannah Smiles and understood the realization of kidnapping. Whenever I would play outside and van came down the street, I would run inside. To this day whenever I walk by one I always peek inside to verify no child is there. Weird.
6. I still don't get Twitter. I have a Twitter account, but I just don't get Twitter.
7. My dream job would be to write for The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. I do understand the hashtag twitter game on his show.
8. I secretly compare myself to others all the time! while I know it's unhealthy, self destructive, and unfair to myself. I have been doing better.
9. I often tell people that I was born redneck. My family has more missing teeth and plumbers cracks than any other family I have ever met. I wouldn't trade them for anything and love them with all my heart. Even if they are idiots half the time. Present company not excluded.
10. I want to quilt like 2 of my friends that are the best quilters I have ever seen. See #8.
11. I use sarcasm in relation to my experiences as a mother (and everything in life, really). While it may seem negative at times I know the best thing I have ever accomplished during my life is the ability to be a Mom to these wonderful spirits.
12. I am horrible at checking my voice mail. At the exact moment I type this I have four messages on my cell phone that has been there over a week. *Employment Disclaimer: If said cell phone was a business phone...This author can not be held accountable. That would just be weird.
13.I have a perfect driving record having never been in a car accident nor ever caused a car accident. Which may be surprising because I had so many speeding points on my drivers license when I was a teenager. My license was actually suspended until I took the proper classes 'reinstating my driving privileges'.
14. I love sleeping on cold pillows. I often have two pillows and strategically place one pillow so the end of it will get cold. Then I go through the night constantly turning it so my cheek lays on the cold side.
15. I rarely finish the last bite or two of my sandwich. I don't know why. Even when it's really good it usually gets discarded or my husband will pop it in his mouth.
16. I hate snakes, scorpions, and spiders. I will not elaborate other than to say I don't understand why they are on this earth and Unicorns aren't.
17. I don't like Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, or any other spacey sci-fi. I have not seen any of these movies nor do I understand the craze. Please don't try convincing me otherwise. Many have tried. I do not understand how a light saber is a weapon. I question it's purpose.
18. I love food. I cook it all the time. I love coming up with new recipes that I've created myself. Sometimes they are a total hit, and other times I get weird looks from my kids at what kind of science experiment I just fed them.
19. I love it when people depend on me. Especially my family. If I know someone is counting on me it makes it really important to me that I not let them down.
20. Despite the fact stated in #19 I'm learning how important it is to not let myself down.
21. I can not sing. I can not carry a tune. It's bad. When I sing it sounds like something died in my throat and it's just stuck there, but I do it anyway.
22. Lately I've become an erratic cleaner. I'm not sure how this is a bad thing.
23. I love service. I wish I did it more. Usually I'm thinking too much about myself to wonder what other people need. I'm working on it.
24. I'm freakishly accident prone. I've had 8 broken bones and lots of stitches. The worst place being in my tongue. When I was in Japan I fell into a rice field which wasn't as bad as being severely electrocuted as a child. Luckily and Un-luckily, none of these injuries happened at the same time.
25. I can be very self-involved. Come on! I just thought of a how to talk about myself in 25 different ways! Like #23, I'm working on it.
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