Sunday, August 4, 2013

Back To School Routines For Kids

I am so excited for school, I stopped sitting on the couch cleaning my house to create these routines for the Mini-Mo-Mo's.
Mini-Mo-Mo's: Mini Molly Mormons; Molly Mormons five offspring; cute children that easily fool, deceive, and distract.
Yes. I actually got some organization on. AmatureAmmatureAmeture,--OH GOOD GRIEF! I don't know how to spell Amature and I am too proud to right click it! FORGET IT!

As I was saying...I actually got some organization on. Amature(sp) at best, but I feel good about myself. I even figured out how to do those awesome printable downloads that you can pluck right of this here blog. Tipsy usually does all this awesome computer-shmuter stuff. She rocks at it!

Me...? I can even spell Amature and I did end up asking Tipsy for help.

Anyway, I did a morning routine, an after school routine, and a bedtime routine that really helps keep the crazy down at my house. It's really great because when the little Mini-Mo-Mo's ask for anything at all, I can simply say one thing. "Did you get your routine done?" I don't have to harp or nag, or complain.

Who are we kidding? I still harp, nag, and complain.

Since I am an amature new at this, I am uploading the links from a catchy little website that promises to do so effectively so you can steal them for free. That's right! I said free! Because we are cool like that!

If you would like to leave your email in the comment section or on our facebook page, I would be happy to email you the editable version that only took me two hours five minutes or so, to complete. :-)

Amateur!! There! I GOT IT!!