Friday, August 2, 2013

Maintaining My Inner Balance

11 days and counting until all my adorable little creatures are back in school. We all know I'm counting down the days and doing everything I can to maintain my sanity in the meantime. So in an effort to not end up in the nut house, I've taken up two of my old habits.

Firstly...I've started running again. This was a total wake up call to exactly how out of shape I am. I did 3.1 miles the first night and I absolutely refuse to broadcast how long it took me to accomplish those 3.1. Let's just say it was a less than stellar performance. I've always had a love/hate relationship with running. I've only started doing it again because my sister (the awesome mom) somehow convinced me to do a 5k with her in a few months. And by "somehow", I mean she promised me alcohol at the finish line. I'm easily swayed.

The second habit I've brought back into rotation is donut eating. Which I have to say has been really really working out well for me. I have been craving donuts all week. A maple bar to be precise. I may have mentioned this to Ranger Guy once or twelve times. Last night I was at the market and he text me..."please bring home donuts. I blame you." or something to that effect. So I did. I brought home two dozen. Settle down, I had to share them with my entourage. Last night, I ate one. This morning I had two. Lunch I ate real food. Then dinner rolled around and I had this internal conversation.
Personality One... Waffle?
Personality Two...Donuts?
Personality One...You cannot eat donuts for dinner. Donuts are a sweet that may occasionally be substituted as a breakfast food but dinner? I don't think so.
Personality Two...Donut donut donut donut DOOOONNNNUUUUTTTT
Personality One...You're lucky Ranger Guy likes women with big asses
Personality Two...DONUT!!!!!!

And so I may or may not have eaten two donuts for dinner. And I wonder why I can't lose the weight I've gained this year. 

Now I know some of you are thinking to yourselves...running and then eating donuts is so counterproductive. Don't you worry, I read my tarot cards this morning and the tarot reminded me to maintain balance in all things. Seriously...running and then eating a donut...what could be more balanced?