Saturday, August 24, 2013

Printable Post-It Notes For Teachers & Moms

I am so proud of myself. I know that I have been complaining about my children lately. I do love them. Very much. I'm blessed to be a Mom. But you know what, I am happy they are in school. They need school. They need routine and structure. I need my cell phone to stop ringing for at least 6 hours a day.

I have found--and I am certainly the last Mom on the planet to figure this out--That my children need my encouragement every second of the day.

Because lets face it. It's a cruel, cruel, world.

I was the Mom that would randomly, and without appointment, stop at the school to see my children. I know! Crazy! LIKE, WHO DOES THIS??

I know this sound opposite of my I-am-so-glad-they-are-in-school attitude, but yes. I am was THAT Mom.

Well because of my impromptu visits I get a note inside 2 of the Mini-Mo's backpacks. I wonder if they sent it out to all the students or only the ones with "special" parents.
Dear Parents,
We truly appreciate supportive parents and your encouragement towards your children's education. However, we would ask that sporadic unscheduled visits be kept to a minimum to ensure your children's learning experience goes uninterrupted as much as possible. Of course, we understand there are times this is unavoidable however please keep this request in mind to create a positive learning atmosphere.
Thank you,
Signed, Mini-Mo's Elementary School
*Sigh!* Yep. They are on to me. Way to go me for getting kicked out of their school on week two for Helicopter Parenting.

Well, I always have a way around the rules.

So, inspiration happened and I got this template you can edit to place your own personalized saying on. Simply print them out and mail them to your child's teacher to randomly place on whatever paperwork at any time during the school year as they seem fit.

The formatting on the download is off a little bit, but you will get the idea. Print one on regular paper. Then place your post-it note on top and print again. I keep a template of the first print out (the one you did on regular paper) so you can edit the sayings and only print one time.